a women on a virtual networking call by using her phone

Frequently Asked Questions

How many memberships do you have?

We have two.

  1. Social Membership
  2. Professional Membership

What is the Social Membership?

Social Membership: adapts to the changing workplace by offering a platform for professionals to forge meaningful connections beyond business. It focuses on building friendships and genuine relationships without the stress of business referrals. Members enjoy access to diverse in-person events like networking dinners, happy hours, golf tournaments, and recreational activities, designed to encourage authentic interactions and shared experiences.

What are the rules for the meetings?

Members are expected to be on time for meetings, look professional, and be kind. Because our meetings are virtual, face cameras are required to be turned on.

What is the Professional Membership?

Professional Membership: aims to boost business growth and professional skills. It provides benefits like exclusive networking events, strategic partnerships, and promotional opportunities. Members will expand their networks, increase industry visibility, and access business-enhancing resources. Membership includes bi-monthly Zoom meetings with industry experts, facilitating idea exchange, sector insights, and strategy discovery for business improvement.

How many referrals do I have to give every month?

Referrals are strongly encouraged however, there is no set number that is required. Instead, Edge uses a point system, rewarding those who are most active in the group.

How do the networking meetings take place?

In the Professional Membership, we hold bi-monthly meetings via Zoom. Additionally, we organize three to four in-person events each month. All members are welcome to attend these events.

What is the commitment?

Members sign up for annual memberships. Pricing and other requirements will be discussed during the application process. Attendance at meetings or events is not mandatory; however, to foster and maintain relationships, we highly recommend participation.

How do members stay accountable?

EDGE works off of a point system. Members earn points each week, while tardiness and missing meetings can lose you points. Prizes are given to point leaders quarterly.

Can I start my own chapter?

Yes! We are actively opening more and more chapters across the country. If you are interested in starting a chapter click here to learn more.

Cancellation policy

EDGE offers our members the flexibility to cancel their membership at any time. However, refunds are only available within the month of the original purchase date, with the refund amount being the price paid for the membership minus any credit card processing fees and applicable taxes.

Refund policy

EDGE offers refunds on memberships within one month (30 days) of purchase, subject to the deduction of credit card processing fees and applicable taxes, to cover non-recoverable transaction costs.

Still have questions? We're here to help.

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